The ESDN (European Specialist Dietetic Network) Food Service focuses on the broad area of food service and the role of the dietitian in that area. To provide food and meals to vulnerable groups such as patients, old people, people with different kinds of disability and school children as well as other groups in the population a competence in dietetics is needed. These kinds of work are generally the competence described for food service dietitians. The competence need in food service covers a wide range of topics including culinary nutrition, dietetics, food safety, food science and the sociology of food and nutrition, as well as a respect for autonomy, ethical factors and sustainability as well as leadership and financial accountability. This complex area of competence and the task of providing food and meals to vulnerable groups is the role of the dietitian in food service.
Food service dietitian focuses and works primarily within food service management with responsibility for providing nutritionally adequate, quality food to individuals or groups in health and disease in an institution or a community settings.
The ESDN for Food Service (previous ESDN administrative dietitians) was established in 2013 and meet for a workshop during EFADs conference every year to discuss different topics related to this specialist area and to exchange knowledge.
Dietitians that belong to the European Specialist Dietetic Network (ESDN) Food Service are recognised leaders in the field of food service for vulnerable groups and others. The ESDN Food Service, which focuses on clients’ needs and wishes, will continue to pro-actively initiate and grow partnerships in order to improve nutritional health, reduce socioeconomic health inequalities and contribute to sustainability through the food service sector.
To achieve our vision ESDN Food Service supports the highest quality of dietetic education, professional practice, research activity and partnership
Dietitians with expertise in Food Service who would like to join this ESDN should contact Klaus Nigl (
Who we are

Head of Degree Programme Dietetics
University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria

Clinical dietitian, Professor in Food and Nutrition
Umeå University, Sweden

Food service dietitian, University lecturer, PhD
Uppsala University, Sweden

Associate Professor
PhD, Hacettepe University, Turkey

National Manager for nutrition in Hospitals and the community
Division of Nutrition , Ministry of Health, Israel

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition
University of Porto, Portugal

Dietitian, Research Assistant, MSc
Atilim University, Turkey

Senior Lecturer
Lisbon School of Health Technology, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal