Full members

Full membership of the Federation is open to National Associations of Dietitians from any European country who admit members meeting the EFAD definition of dietitian and whose level of education meets the European Academic and Practitioner Standards for Dietetics.

Diaetologie Austria – Association of Dietitians in Austria(Austria)

Verband der Diaetolog*innen Österreichs


The Association was founded in 1961 and is the official and recognized professional representation of dietitians in Austria.

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The Flemish Professional Association of Dietitians (Belgium)


Vlaamse Beroepsvereniging van Diëtisten (VBVD)


The aim of the board and employees is to put the profession of the dietitian on the map in a positive way among citizens, care recipients, other care providers and the government. We do this by building bridges between our members and also by participating in national consultations so that the dietitian as a paramedic is given a prominent place in the prevention and treatment of diseases.

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Professional Union of French Speaking Graduated Dietitians (Belgium)


Union Professionelle des diplômes en Diététique de Langue Française (UPDLF)


The UPDLF has around 450 members each year out of a total of 1,852 French-speaking registered dietitians registered in 2018. It is a member of EFAD, ENHA-ONCA and ICDA.

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Cyprus Dietetic & Nutrition Association (Cyprus)


Σύνδεσμος Διαιτολόγων Κύπρου



The Association and its members – registered clinical dietitians, dietitians, nutritionists and dietitians / nutritionists by specialty – who are food and nutrition experts are here to help you find accurate information that supports healthy way of living.

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The Danish Diet and Nutrition Association (Denmark)


Kliniske Diætister (FaKD) i Kost & Ernæringsforbundet


We are a trade union and interest organization for nutrition professionals. We negotiate salary and working conditions, advise on working life and career, provide legal assistance and personal advice on salary and employment conditions.

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The Association of Clinical and Public Health Nutritionists in Finland (Finland)

Ravitsemusterapeuttien Yhdistys ry


The Association of Clinical and Public Health Nutritionists in Finland (RTY) is the educational and professional interest organization for nutritionists in Finland. RTY was founded in 1970 and it has grown steadily to its present membership total of almost 700. In addition to this there are also around 100 student members.

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French Association of Nutritionist Dietitians (France)

Association Française des Diététiciens Nutritionistes (AFDN)


Bringing together more than 2,000 dieticians from all sectors, AFDN, by asserting the dietitian as a health actor, is the privileged interlocutor with various national and international organizations.

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The German Association of Dietitians (Germany)

Verband der Diätassisstenten-Deutscher Bundesverband e.V.


The largest professional association for experts in diet therapy and nutritional advice and the only professional association for dietitians in Germany. Here you will find all the important information, news and interesting facts about the profession of dietitian, profession, professional policy, practice and research.

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Hellenic Dietetic Association (Greece)


The Panhellenic Association of Dietitians-Nutritionists (PSDD) was founded in 1969 and is based in Athens. It is the official voice of representation of Dietitians – Nutritionists of University Education in Greece for the last 50 years. It is a member of EFAD since 1982 and of the International Committee of Dietitians’ Associations (ICDA) since 1984, as a result of which it is an internationally recognized body representing Dietitians-Nutritionists in Greece.

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Union of Dietitians – Nutritionists of Greece (Greece)

EDDE is the largest official body representing Dietitians-Nutritionists of Higher Education in Greece. Its members are Graduate Dietitians-Nutritionists, graduates of Greek Higher Education Institutions (or similar Educational Institutions abroad, whose curricula are similar and corresponding to the Greek ones), who are also holders of a License to Practice Professional Dietetics.

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Hungarian Dietetic Association (Hungary)

Magyar Dietetikusok Országos Szövetsége


MDOSZ was established in 1991 as a non-profit organization operating at the national level. The membership is close to 2,000 – mainly college-based dietitians and university-based nutritionists, a significant number of dietitians and legal entities as sponsors.

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Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (Republic of Ireland)

Founded in 1958, the Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute (INDI) is the professional organisation for dietitians in Ireland representing almost 800 Dietitians and Student Dietitians nationwide. The INDI sets national standards for undergraduate dietetic programmes, dietetic placements, and graduate degree practice programmes.

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Scientific Association for Food, Nutrition and Dietetics (Italy)

Associazione Scientifica Alimentazione Nutrizione e Dietetica (ASAND) 


ASAND is the Technical Scientific Association of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics of Italian Dietitians.

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Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians in Israel (ATID) (Israel)

ATID has been working to promote the status of dietitians and lead the world of nutrition in Israel since 1998. The values ​​that guide us are public commitment, integrity and reliability, inclusion and social responsibility, learning and professional development and innovation. We work to empower and promote dietitians to professional leadership in the world of food, nutrition and optimal lifestyles. And work to achieve health, wellbeing, quality of life, security and equal nutritional opportunities for the entire population in Israel.

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Dutch Association of Dietitians (The Netherlands)

Nederlandse Vereniging van Diëtisten (NVD)


The NVD is the professional association for and by dieticians. We stand up for the interests of dieticians and are committed to quality and accessibility of dietetics.

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Luxembourg Dietetic Association (Luxembourg)

Association Nationale des Diététiciens du Luxembourg



The National Association of Dieticians of Luxembourg was founded in 1985 to represent at national and international level, dietetics professionals in Luxembourg. The association is made up of active members, associate members and students.

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Norwegian Association of Clinical Dietitians (Norway)

KEFF Kliniske ernaeringsfysiologers forening tilsuttet forskerforbundet


The Association of Clinical Nutritional Physiologists affiliated with the Researchers’ Association (KEFF) is a professional and professional association for clinical nutritional physiologists in Norway. Clinical nutritionists are authorized health personnel and are educated at the University of Oslo, the University of Bergen, and at the University of Tromsø. KEFF works to integrate the field of clinical nutrition in health work to ensure a comprehensive medical treatment offer for the benefit of the population.

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The Norwegian Diet and Nutrition Association (Norway)

Kost og ernæringsforbundet


This is the professional organization for you who work with nutrition-based cooking. We look after your professional interests. Our goal is to highlight the importance of a proper diet for both health and well-being. We want to show the importance of the important work our members do around the country.

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Portuguese Association of Nutrition (Portugal)

Associação Portuguesa de Nutrição (APN)



The APN is a private, non-profit association. The purpose of the Association is to develop the professional and technical-scientific interests of its members.

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Polish Society of Dietetics (Poland)


Polskie Towarzystwo Dietetyki


The Polish Society of Dietetics is an association of certified dietitians with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in dietetics or a dietitic specialization, or a diploma from the Faculty of Medical Dietetics at the Vocational Study.

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Slovene Nutritionist and Dietetic Association (Slovenia)

Strokovno zdruzenje nutricionistov in dietetikov


The professional association represents the interests of workers in the dietary and nutritional activities, cares for the reputation and professionalism of its members.

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Association of Nutritionists – Dietitians of Serbia (UNDS)

Udruženje Nutricionista Dijetetičara Srbije


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General Council Dietitians-Nutritionists of Spain (Spain)

Consejo General Dietistas-Nutricionistas de España


The Council looks after the interests of Dietitians-Nutritionists at a national and international level, and the health of citizens in terms of food, nutrition and dietetics.

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Swedish Association of Registered Dietitians (DRF) (Sweden)

Dietisternas Riksförbund


DRF is a professional organization within Naturvetarna with approximately 1,300 members. Together we work to strengthen the professional role of dietitians and for a healthier Sweden. Our important mission is to contribute to sustainable health throughout life, no matter who you are or where you live.

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Swiss Associaton of Registered Dietitians (Switzerland)

Schweizerischer Verband diplomierter Ernährungsberater/innen


The independent professional association of legally recognized nutritionists in Switzerland.

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The Swedish National Association of Dietitians (Sweden)

Kost och Näring – en branschföreing inom Ledarna



Diet & Nutrition is an industry association within Ledarna whose members consist of dietitians, meal managers and other professional groups who lead the country’s public meal activities within municipalities and regions.

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Turkish Dietetic Association (Turkey)

Türkiye Diyetisyenler Dernegi


It aims to provide nutrition and diet practices in the light of current scientific data within the framework of professional ethics rules, to contribute to the formation of a healthy society with studies focused on raising awareness of adequate and balanced nutrition in the society, to protect and develop the legal rights of dietitians in Turkey, and to represent and promote the dietitian profession before the public.

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The British Dietetic Association (UK)



The British Dietetic Association (BDA) is the only body in the UK representing the whole of the dietetic workforce. We are a trade union and professional body representing the professional, educational, public and workplace interests of our members. Founded in 1936, we are one of the oldest and most experienced dietetic organisations in the world.

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Affiliate Members

Affiliated membership is open to all other relevant associations of dietitians and/or nutritionists.

Croatian Society of Nutritionists and Dietitians (Croatia)

Hrvatsko društvo nutricionista I dijetetičara


The Croatian Society of Nutritionists and Dietitians (HDND) was founded in June 2014. The company was founded with the aim of promoting knowledge about proper nutrition and the development and improvement of nutrition in the Republic of Croatia, professional and scientific work and nurturing the dignity of the profession. As part of its activities, HDND represents nutritionists and dieticians in the Republic of Croatia and abroad.

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Czech Association of Dietitians (CAD) (Czech Republic)

Česká asociace nutričních terapeutů (ČANT)


Professional association of Czech nutritional therapists with the aim of improving nutritional care in the Czech Republic by greater involvement of its members, creating space for their skills and knowledge, constantly increasing the professional knowledge of its members, cooperation with other experts and involvement in European and global professional structures.

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