ESDN: Obesity

To support dietitians in Europe to take a leading role in the prevention and management of obesity, through evidence-based treatment and interventions. To achieve sustainable health for all Europeans who are overweight and have weight-related co-morbidities.


To support dietitians to take their role in the prevention and treatment of obesity and make citizens in Europe benefit from their skills, knowledge and commitment of dietitians. The ESDN will cooperate with the other ESDNs as well as with other bodies, like ECO, WHO and ICD and universities. The ESDN will encourage closer communication between dietitians in Europe to share skills and knowledge. The ESDN will stimulate research on the role of dietitians in prevention and management.

We work closely with EASO, OPEN-EU, FAO and World Obesity.

Who we are

Maria Hassapidou Committee Lead

Professor Department of Nutritional Sciences and
Dietetics of the International Hellenic University

Ellen Govers Committee Deputy Lead

Chair of Netherlands Knowledge Centre of Obesity

Hilda Mulrooney Member

Associate Professor in Nutrition
Kingston University, UK

Odysseas Androutsos Member

Associate Professor of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
Department of Nutrition-Dietetics, University of Thessaly

Antonis Vlassopoulos Member

PhD in Human Nutrition
University of Glasgow School of Medicine

Liisa Tolvanen Member

Specialist dietitian in adult obesity, PhD in Medical Science,

Center for Obesity, Academic Specialist Center, Region Stockholm & Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Marianna Kalliostra Member

Dietitian – Nutritionist, EFAD Communications Manager

Article attachments

EASO and EFAD Position Statement on Medical Nutrition Therapy for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Children and Adolescents

Last Modified: December 15, 2022

This position statement on medical nutrition therapy in the management of overweight or obesity in children and adolescents was prepared by an expert committee convened by the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) and developed in collaboration with the European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD).

EASO and EFAD Position Statement on Medical Nutrition Therapy for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults

Last Modified: December 15, 2022

Obesity affects nearly 1 in 4 European adults increasing their risk for mortality and physical and psychological morbidity. Obesity is a chronic relapsing disease characterized by abnormal or excessive adiposity with risks to health. Medical nutrition therapy based on the latest scientific evidence should be offered to all Europeans living with obesity as part of obesity treatment interventions.

Role Statement

Categories: Role Definition

Role of the Dietitian in Obesity

Last Modified: September 2011
Tags: Obesity