Quick overview

In a pursuit to discover innovative approaches to healthcare and nutrition, this summer Wineke Remijnse, the Executive Director of EFAD, and Daniel Buchholz, representing the German Association, embarked on a journey to Ede, The Netherlands. Their destination was the Hospital Gelderse Vallei, where they had the opportunity to explore the "Care with Good Nutrition" meal service.

Care with Good Nutrition

The Hospital Gelderse Vallei’s “Care with Good Nutrition” meal service is a shining example of how thoughtful hospital food care can significantly contribute to the health and well-being of patients while also reducing food waste. Patients are offered the unique opportunity to order à la carte from an extensive menu throughout the day. This approach not only empowers patients by allowing them to make choices that suit their preferences and dietary needs but also goes a long way in reducing food wastage, ensuring that resources are used efficiently.

A Focus on Nutrition

One of the standout features of this meal service is its attention to providing tasty, protein-enriched variants of regular foods. This deliberate focus on nutrition is designed to help patients achieve a better nutritional status, which is especially crucial during their stay at the hospital. Daniel Buchholz was particularly impressed by the visible passion and pride exhibited by the hospital’s staff in preparing these dishes. Their dedication to providing high-quality meals is a testament to the positive impact good nutrition can have on patient recovery and overall well-being.

The Role of the Dietitian

During their visit, the EFAD representatives had the opportunity to gain insight into the critical role played by dietitians in patient care. Dietitian Mirjam Holverda provided an in-depth explanation of how dietitians collaborate with healthcare teams to ensure that patients receive personalized nutritional support tailored to their specific needs and medical conditions. This behind-the-scenes look highlighted the importance of dietitians in enhancing patient outcomes and overall healthcare quality.

A Culinary Exploration

No visit to the “Care with Good Nutrition” meal service would be complete without experiencing the kitchen firsthand. EFAD’s Wineke Remijnse and Daniel Buchholz were treated to a tour of the hospital’s kitchen, where they witnessed the preparation of diverse and nourishing meals. As a bonus, they had the opportunity to savour some of the delectable dishes, gaining a deeper appreciation for the culinary expertise involved in creating nutritionally balanced meals for patients.

“Goede zorg Proef je” – A Taste of Excellent Healthcare

The visit reached its pinnacle with a presentation by Iris de Koning, who shed light on “Goede zorg Proef je” (A Taste of Excellent Healthcare). This remarkable project is spearheaded by the Nutrition & Healthcare Alliance, an organization working at the national level to improve the food supply for patients, employees, and visitors across healthcare facilities. The presentation highlighted the broader initiative’s efforts to promote a culture of healthier eating within healthcare settings, fostering a positive impact on the well-being of all those involved.

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A Taste of Excellent Healthcare

Last Modified: September 7, 2023