
Categories: Role Definition, Statements

EFAD ESDN Sports and Physical Activity - Role of Sports Dietitian - EN

Other language version: French, Dutch, Spanish, Croatian, Polish, Romanian
Tags: ESDN SPA, ESDN Sports and Physical Activity, SPA, Sports and Physical Activity
Categories: Statements

Oral statement by EFAD and other Non-State actors in 72nd Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe on Progress report on the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2016-2025

Last Modified: September 2022
Tags: EFAD statement, Noncommunicable diseases, WHO
Categories: Statements

EFAD Joint statement in 72nd Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe on Progress report on the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2016-2025

Last Modified: September 2022
Tags: joint statement, nutrition care, WHO
Categories: Statements

Joint Statement RC72 agenda item 10: European Framework for Action on Alcohol 2022-25

Last Modified: September 2022
Tags: alcohol, joint satement, WHO
Categories: Statements

Joint Statement by EuroHealthNet and other Non-State Actors in 72nd Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe on Regional digital health action plan for the WHO European Region (EPW flagship)

Last Modified: September 2022
Tags: joint statement, NSA, WHO
Categories: Statements

Joint statement on RC72 agenda item 4: “European regional action framework for behavioural and cultural insights for health, 2022–2027”

Last Modified: September 2022
Tags: joint statement, NSA, WHO
Categories: Policy, Statements

The Management of Malnourished Adults in All Community and All Health and Care Settings (Policy Statement – BDA)

Last Modified: July 2017
Tags: BDA, Malnutrition, policy statement
Categories: Statements

EFAD ESDN Food Service Statement on the Role of the Food Service Dietitian

Last Modified: October 2016
Other language version: Spanish
Tags: Food Service
Categories: Statements

Dietitians in Europe Definition, Profession and Education

Last Modified: July 2016
Categories: Position Paper, Statements

AOECS and EFAD joint position statement on nutritional value of GF foods

Last Modified: June 2019
Tags: Gluten free
Categories: Statements

Mission, vision and priority statements for the EFAD Education and Lifelong Learning Committee

Last Modified: January 2014
Categories: Statements

Statement of support for “United Action for Better Health in Europe” (2020)

Last Modified: July 15 2020