Quick overview

ENDietS is seeking enthusiastic Nutrition and Dietetics students to join the ENDietS team. For more information, please refer to the announcement file titled with the name of the position.

  1. National Key Contacts (National Representatives): ENDietS is looking for enthusiastic National Key Contacts to be representatives of ENDietS in their countries. They will be responsible for the connection and communication between ENDietS and their country. This call is open to only Italy and Spain! To apply for the NKC (National Representative) position, please fill in the National Key Contact application form and upload a filled National Key Contact application formIt is not obligatory to upload a reference letter for applying for a National Key Contact position, but you may do itThe deadline to submit your application for National Key Contact (National Representative) is 31.07.2024 at 23:59 CEST.

Article attachments

National Key Contact Announcement

Last Modified: February 29, 2024

Read the announcement before you apply for this position.

National Key Contact Template

Last Modified: February 29, 2024

Apply using this template.