Building a Technologically Informed Information and Communication Network In Europe; Dietitians Improving Education and Training Standards (DIETS) Report 1
Learning About Practice Placement Education From Each Other; Dietitians Improving Education and Training Standards (DIETS) Report 2
de Souza, J.A., de Looy, A., Liddell,J., Maramba, I., Naumann, E., van Ael, K., Liddell, I. Using information technology to share experiences and enhance communication skills 2006-2009 (DIETS report 3).
The Dissemination Potential of a European Network (DIETS Report 4)
de Souza, J.A., Bila, C., Bozo Kegyes, R., Cuervo, M., de Keyzer, W., Favreau, A.M., Govers, E., Jager, M., Naumann, E., van Ael, K. Quality Assurance, dietetic competence and practice placement standards 2006-2009 (DIETS report 5)