EFAD Standards


Categories: Standard

EFAD Practical Placements Standards - ELLLC revision 2022

Last Modified: October 2022
Tags: ELLLC, practical placements, Standards
Categories: Standard

EFAD 2022 Supplementary document to the current International Code of Ethics

Last Modified: October 2022
Tags: Code of Ethics, PPC, supplement
Categories: Standard

EFAD Academic Standards

Last Modified: June 2018
Tags: Education, ELLC, LLL
Categories: Statements

Dietitians in Europe Definition, Profession and Education

Last Modified: July 2016
Categories: Papers, Standard

Revised Dietetic Competence and the six domains of dietetic competency in Europe

Last Modified: July 2016
Tags: Education, ELLC, LLL
Categories: Standard

European Pedagogic Standards for Practice Placement

Last Modified: November 7 2013
Categories: Reports, Standard

European Dietetic Advanced Competencies

Last Modified: July 2012
Tags: DIETS2, Education, ELLC, LLL